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The Inception of Candidate Experience: Unspooling the Reality of Recruitment

Writer's picture: Yas AhmadYas Ahmad

Have you ever seen the film Inception, directed by the cinematic genius, Christopher Nolan? It’s an intricate tale of planting an idea so deep within a person's subconscious that they wake up thinking it was their own. It's a bewildering journey into layers of reality and perceptions, a dreamscape where things aren’t always as they seem.

So, what on earth does that have to do with recruitment, you ask? At its core, the film illuminates the concept that we construct our realities. And, believe it or not, the same is true for candidate experiences in recruitment. Just like inception, a poorly executed recruitment process can create a vicious cycle—a cycle where the very architects of the experience may one day find themselves trapped in their own creation.

Consider a hiring process where candidates feel unappreciated and unnoticed—recruitment 'inception', if you will. Every ignored resume, every ill-prepared interview, every non-existent feedback, every ghosting act, is an idea planted in the candidate's mind. An idea that your company doesn't care about them. That your company doesn't respect them. And as the recruitment journey layers upon layer, much like in Inception, the candidate’s perception of the company distorts further.

The more candidates you disappoint, the more this negative idea about your company permeates the job seeker’s subconscious. Before you know it, it takes on a life of its own, turning into a prevalent narrative. You're now facing a branding crisis, an employer branding crisis to be specific. Suddenly, you're no longer the attractive employer everyone aspired to be a part of, but a nightmare no one wants to encounter. The twisted irony here? You've become a victim of your own recruitment inception.

What’s even more fascinating, or perhaps, worrying, is the feedback loop that can ensue. Imagine a recruiter, previously part of an organization known for a lackluster candidate experience, looking for a job change. This recruiter is now a candidate, stepping into the same dreamscape that they once helped to construct. And the cycle continues...

So how do you prevent this inception-like nightmare from occurring? It's simple: you need to plant positive ideas in the candidate's mind. You need to construct a candidate experience that resonates with empathy, respect, and responsiveness.

Start by treating every application with the respect it deserves—each one represents a person who took the time to consider your company. Follow up on each application, even if it's to say no. A kind rejection is always better than unending silence. Prepare for every interview; respect the candidate's time as much as you would your own. And, crucially, provide constructive feedback. Not only does it leave the candidate with a positive impression, but it also helps them grow.

In the realm of recruitment, you are the architect of your candidates' experiences. You plant the seeds of perception that can grow into a majestic tree or a twisted, gnarly stump. Remember, though, just as in Inception, the world you construct can become the world in which you one day find yourself. Make sure it's a world you'd want to be a part of.

So, recruiters, the next time you watch Inception, remember this: the totem might not be the only thing spinning. Your candidate’s experience is also in constant spin, and it's up to you to ensure it spins in the right direction. After all, recruitment isn't merely about filling positions—it's about planting positive ideas that grow into fruitful relationships, and ultimately, successful businesses.

Just as Dom Cobb learned in Inception, the experience we create for others is as real and impactful as we design it to be. Are you ready to construct a positive dreamscape in the minds of your candidates?

1 Comment

Sean Allen
Sean Allen
Aug 07, 2023

You had me at 'Have you ever seen the film Inception'. Great post-Yas and a wonderful way to hit home not only the importance of the candidate experience we create, but how it is ever evolving.

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