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Career Journeys in Talent Acquisition: Daen Fox

Writer's picture: Yas AhmadYas Ahmad

Thanks for reading! This series is designed to shine a spotlight on Talent Acquisition professionals and highlight their career journeys and learnings so far. Today, we're joined by Daen Fox. If you'd like to be next, please reach out to a TTC Community Manager.

Career Journeys in Talent Acquisition: Daen Fox

Introduce yourself:

I’m an empathetic, creative, and driven people leader who wants better for the TA industry and me. 

Can you walk us through the key milestones in your career in the talent acquisition space? What were some pivotal moments or decisions that shaped your journey?

My career started when I was wrapping up my master's degree in Psychotherapy. I had that innate curiosity for people and a deep passion for bettering others. Naturally, I thought recruitment would be a great pivot. Most people fall into it, and I actively pursued it. After a couple of agency interviews, Pertemps were bold enough to take me on. They told me I won them over by my interview answer to ‘who do you aspire to be like?’ my answer? To be as big as Terry Crews 😂 I’ve always been a bit unfiltered. My strengths as one of the neurodiverse Heads of TA definitely give me an edge as well as a crux at times.

There have been times when my character and enthusiasm have been questioned. However, if it weren’t for having incredible leaders who backed me, then I would have given up. One leader at Nuffield Health said, "You are everything this sector needs." I went on to make the recruitment experience enjoyable and slick for all, so I’ve been able to hit the ground running no matter the sector I’ve landed in.

In this rapidly evolving industry, what strategies or practices have you adopted to continuously enhance your skills and stay ahead of the curve? Do you have any resources or learning methods you'd recommend to others?

Look at what others do and be better. It’s the same as doing a cover of a song and adding your own twist. You are only as strong as your tribe, circle, and network. Stay humble, and never be afraid to admit you don’t have all the answers. Communities such as TTC are invaluable. You can learn from every sector and apply it to your own. Candidates buy products daily; therefore, as much as we can mirror in the recruitment process, the better chance you have at standing out.

What has been the most challenging aspect of your career, especially when you were actively seeking work? How did you overcome it, and what advice would you offer to others facing similar hurdles?

Well.... This is the first time I’ve been out of work so I’m going through that journey myself however I have been through countless restructures. Stay positive, see this as opportunities being opened up. Its surprising how much more drive we get in these moments.

The key thing is being proactive. Nothing will fall into your lap. Keep networking. Always look out for others and treat others how you’d like to be treated. You never know when you’ll need people.

Use this period as a time to learn, and stop seeing yourself as a job title. There are so many other avenues you can use your transferable skills. The recruiting world can be fast-paced and demanding. How do you strike a balance between your professional commitments and personal life? Are there specific routines or rituals you follow?

This is something I’ve worked so hard on, especially after having two children. I remember growing up barely seeing my parents as they were always at work. My mum, being a nurse, always said it was a vocation as opposed to just a job. That always stuck. I remember craving more time with them, but I began to understand as my career progressed.

TA is so busy, and there’s always work and never enough time. Brutal prioritisation is in order. Delegation is second to that. I find that creating false deadlines enables me to work most effectively. I Dj and manage a football team on the side, which forces me to not work beyond my hours. I instill this philosophy in my teams, too.

As someone involved in talent acquisition, you've likely witnessed various technology and trend shifts. Which technologies or trends do you believe have had the most significant impact on the industry, and how have they influenced your role? Embedded solutions are becoming more and more the norm in times of economic uncertainty. Being able to dial up and down is a distinct advantage.

We could talk about AI all day, but as much of the admin you can automate the better. Chat bots can support your candidates 24/7 and answer many of the generic questions that eat up your consultants time. They can allow a much better scheduling experience for interview bookings, guidance, prompts, reminders.

For those entering the talent acquisition space or those looking to pivot within it, what's the one piece of practical advice you'd give to help them thrive, especially if they are actively job-seeking?

Ask yourself what do you think talent acquisition is? 

Do you have a passion for people and getting the best for them? What drives you personally? What is your why? That’s your north star. Follow that, and you’ll succeed in whatever you choose to do. If you’re going into a role because you think it’ll pay you good money, then your heart won’t be completely in it, and you only live once! 


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